Thursday, 10 December 2015


This mudra is very easy to do. Just joining

together your tip of the middle finger to the
 tip of the thumb finger.

Benefits :

·         This generates blue energy and thus activates throat Chakra.
·         Akash Mudra activates our teacher inside.
·         If anybody is selfish, you can ask them, “Please put this Mudra”. It will make him broad-minded.
·         This also helps to clears the throat.
·         During meditation this mudra purifies and emotions thoughts.
·         It increases intuition power and alertness.
·         Beneficial for bone disease, osteoporosis.
·         Locked jaws due to yawning can be cured.
·         Beneficial for all heart problems uncontrolled pulse rate, blood pressure, angina pain and hemoglobin.
·         The beneficial effects include an energy charge helpful in developing noble and elevated thoughts and reducing feelings of annoyance.
·         Japa mala rests on this finger and this finger strengthens the heart muscle.
·         In toothache this Mudra gives you immediate and temporary relief, but check your dentist also.


  1. Nice to read about mudra,
    But each mudra 15 mints is compulsory ?

    1. YES....! Because that will be useful for beginners, there is no side effects you can do more than 15 minutes too, do for 45 minutes every day if you are willing. Thanks for your interest and support

  2. Nice to read about mudra,
    But each mudra 15 mints is compulsory ?

  3. Do any mudra for 30 min and do gyan mudra for 15 min for better effects. Please meditate in a peaceful place for good and better results with empty stomach if possible
